In early 2016, T.O. Philly hosted a workshop series on race and undoing racism. Each week we posted material here for folks both in and outside of the workshop to use. Each page archived here contains things to read, watch, hear and do:
- Part 1: Entering Courageous Conversation
- Part 2: Defining and Journaling
- Part 3: Unpacking Racism
- Part 4: The Internal, The Fragile, The Subtle
- Part 5: Solidarity Means Running the Same Risks
- Part 6: The Mirror and The Hammer
In March of 2016, we bring back our popular series on race and racism. Every Tuesday we'll explore this topic through a variety of exercises, Theatre of the Oppressed techniques, and discussions, supplemented by things to read and do between sessions. Our aim is to unlearn the systemic racism we’ve been taught throughout our lives, to heal from racial privilege and oppression, and to offer starting points for structural and personal change in ourselves, our communities, and our world.
This workshop is full. To be put on the waiting list please email "tophilly@gmail.com" or leave a message at 267-282-1057.