In hopes that more people will put Theatre of the Oppressed into practice, we have started a glossary of terms here—"started" because this is an open document. If you want to add an entry or alter a definition, leave a comment on this page!
Terms Commonly Used in Theatre of the Oppressed:
- Actor: A person who performs an action, whether onstage or off.
- Ally: A person with privilege who takes action in support of oppressed people. (Also see potential ally.)
- Antagonist: A character in conflict with the story’s protagonist.
- Cop in the Head: A Theatre of the Oppressed technique aimed at dismantling internalized oppression.
- Difficultator: A facilitator who offers challenges to a group as part of a workshop process.
- Dynamization: The process of adding movements, sounds and words into a piece of Image Theatre.
- Facilitator: A person who directs the flow of a discussion or workshop. Literally “one who makes things easy.”
- Forum Theatre: A play performed in front of an audience in which audience members can step onstage, take the place of a character or characters and change the story’s outcome.
- Games/Gamesercizes: Group activities that get people comfortable with themselves and each other, build trust and develop skills necessary for working with the language of Theatre of the Oppressed.
- Ideal image: A desired, improved variation on the Real Image in Image Theatre.
- Image: A motionless sculpture made from human figures.
- Image Theatre: A form of Theatre of the Oppressed that uses collectively constructed still images to convey meaning.
- Institutional power: The ability or authority to decide what's best for others, to decide who can access resources, and to exercise control over others.
- Joker: The facilitator/difficultator in a Theatre of the Oppressed workshop.
- Kinesthetic: Relating to the body and/or movement.
- Mask: An image that an actor takes on to embody a character.
- Mirror: When an actor or actors take on the image, movements, sounds, words, characteristics and/or actions of another actor.
- Objective observation: Responding to an image with commentary on its physical nature alone.
- Oppressed: Anyone who is subject to others having power over them.
- Oppression: The combination of prejudice and institutional power which creates a system that discriminates against some groups (often called “target groups”) and benefits other groups (often called “dominant groups”).
- Oppressor: A person who exerts power over another person. (Also see passive oppressor.)
- Passive oppressor: A person who oppresses by taking actions that support oppression and/or failing to take action to help the oppressed.
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed: A practice of teaching and learning developed by Paolo Friere that inspired his friend Augusto Boal to create Theatre of the Oppressed.
- Player: Participant in a theatre workshop or performance.
- Potential ally: A person who has the power to help an oppressed individual or group but may not have taken actions to actually help.
- Power: See institutional power.
- Privilege: Personal, interpersonal, cultural, and institutional systems that benefit members of dominant groups at the expense of members of target groups. Literally means "Private law."
- Protagonist: A main character from whose perspective a story is told.
- Rainbow of Desire: A specific therapeutic theatre technique, and also a family of techniques, aimed at dismantling internalized oppression.
- Real image: A representation of an oppressive situation as seen by the people who create the image.
- Sculpt: The process of creating images with people’s bodies.
- Self-sculpt: To create an image with one’s own body.
- Simultaneous Dramaturgy: A technique for rehearsal and performance where onlookers can freeze a scene, direct actors to do something differently, then unfreeze the scene to see the changes.
- Spect-actor: A participant in the Theatre of the Oppressed, both spectator and actor.
- Subjective observation: Responding to an image with commentary based on perception, speculation and intuition.
- Technique: An intricate Theatre of the Oppressed exercise, more complicated than games.
- Theatre of the Oppressed: A system of theatrical games and techniques that examine and dismantle dynamics of oppression.
- Theatre pedagogy: The use of theatre to develop language and social awareness; Theatre of the Oppressed is a form of theatre pedagogy.
- TO: Abbreviation for "Theatre of the Oppressed."
Again, this is an open document: If you want to add an entry or alter a definition, leave a comment on this page!
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